Hot Home Prices, Networkers Who Climb, and Glorious Food
Your weekly roundup of the latest Brooklyn business news, from The Bridge and its media colleagues
A handsome row of houses on Decatur Street in Stuyvesant Heights Historic District, established in 1975 (Photo by Smallbones/Wikipemedia Commons)
Brooklyn homes prices keep on scorching, but rent gets a relief. A universal fix-it shop arrives. Anti-gentrification activists rise up. Networkers start climbing the walls. Empire Stores has got glorious food. Trump’s Brooklyn holdings raise Congressional eyebrows. Conor McGregor defeats the purpose of a fight promotion in Brooklyn. And an illustrator offers a sendup of new Brooklyn buildings.
1. Brooklyn home prices: hot and getting hotter
While rents have cooled off, prices for homes and apartments set new records in the second quarter. Read more. [The Bridge]
2. Can one shop fix all your broken devices?
Yes, we can, say the owners of uBreakiFix, the first Brooklyn outpost of a national electronics chain that could be a game-changer. Read more. [The Bridge]
3. Activists shut down hearing on Pfizer, Armory developments
Activists unhappy with plans for two controversial Brooklyn projects shut down a public hearing on the developments, saying both proposals will exacerbate gentrification in the borough. Read more. [DNAinfo]
4. How startup friendships grow on a climbing wall
Not your ordinary networking event, a meetup launched at Brooklyn Boulders has thrived on collaboration. Read more. [The Bridge]
5. Dumbo’s Empire Stores is flush with illustrious food tenants
While not exactly a food court, Empire Stores presents an impressive gathering of culinary concepts in a breathtaking location. Read more. [Brooklyn magazine]
6. Lawmakers question Trump’s stake in Brooklyn housing
Two congressional Democrats are demanding more info about President Trump’s potential conflicts of interest stemming from his part ownership of the federally subsidized housing complex Starrett City. Read more. [New York Times]
7. The Brooklyn tour guides who know all the secrets
Rejecting the double-decker-bus approach, Turnstile Tours gets up close and personal with its destinations. Read more. [The Bridge]
8. Mom-and-pop stores fight to survive as chains move In
The 99-cent store with the bright red awning cannot compete with the cutthroat pricing or huge selection at the two Dollar Tree outposts in its poor Brooklyn neighborhood. So it has found another way. Read more. [New York Times]
9. Conor McGregor's Brooklyn embarrassment
Is this any way to promote a $600 million fight? Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Conor McGregor hit Brooklyn this week to build anticipation for their massive Aug. 26 boxing match. It was bad in every way imaginable. Read more. [Bleacher Report]
10. An illustrated guide to Brooklyn condo buildings
Illustrator David Ostow was inspired by Brooklyn building boom to create a guide to the condos you see popping up all over the borough. Read More. [Brooklyn Based]